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ClapHere brings a healthier balance to social media, rewarding good service and long-term relationships. It lets users recommend their favorite shops and restaurants to their friends, while earning rewards for spreading a positive word. ClapHere also gives businesses the opportunity to keep in touch with their most loyal customers, offering special deals and promotions as a way to say thanks and encourage repeat business.

This ‘pay-it-forward’ system of community-based connection turns impersonal transactions into real relationships, helping customers and businesses get to know each other better along the way. It also features extra games and contests, making it even easier for businesses to deliver a fulfilling customer journey.

For businesses, ClapHere represents a welcome alternative to existing digital marketing solutions - social networks and search engines that use paid advertising requirements to funnel away a percentage of your revenue.

ClapHere is our effort to build a future for social media that promotes positivity over polarization, and uses the power of incentives to transform strong passions into genuine community support.
